Russian Soldier Uses Potatoes to Take Down Ukrainian Drone

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Quick-Thinking Mercenary Avoids Deadly Drone Attack

In a stunning display of quick thinking and resourcefulness, a Russian mercenary identified as Private Khamatov saved his life by hurling a sack of potatoes at an attacking Ukrainian drone. The astonishing footage captures the moment when Khamatov, spotting the incoming UAV, grabbed the nearest object at hand—a bag of potatoes from his rations—and launched it at the drone.

Explosion and Minor Injuries

The video shows the potato sack making contact with the drone, causing it to explode in a bright red flash near Khamatov.

Russian Soldier Uses Potatoes To Take Down Ukrainian Drone 1

Despite the cascading explosions and thick white smoke, reports indicate that the soldier escaped with only minor injuries. After the blast, Khamatov can be seen running to take cover in nearby trees.

Russian Soldier Uses Potatoes To Take Down Ukrainian Drone 2

Mercenary from Uzbekistan

According to Telegram channels, Private Khamatov is a native of Uzbekistan who signed up to fight for Vladimir Putin’s controversial invasion of Ukraine. Kremlin propaganda outlet Readovka praised Khamatov’s bravery in the face of the explosive-laden drone, stating that he “masterfully downed it – hitting it with a sack of potatoes.”

Returning Soldiers Involved in Civilian Violence

This incident comes amidst revelations that Russian soldiers returning from the war have been responsible for killing and wounding more than 200 civilians. Many of these killings were perpetrated by soldiers who were formerly prison inmates but were released to bolster numbers on the front lines in Ukraine. However, some deaths have been attributed to soldiers bringing the brutality of war back with them into civilian life.

The video of Private Khamatov’s quick thinking and the potato sack takedown of the Ukrainian drone serves as a stark reminder of the unconventional and often desperate measures soldiers resort to in the heat of battle. As the conflict in Ukraine continues, it is crucial to monitor the impact of the war on both soldiers and civilians alike.

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