North Carolina Farmer Defends Use of Chinese Ag Spray Drones Amid Legislative Battle

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AGFunderNews reports that a North Carolina farmer is speaking out against proposed legislation targeting Chinese-made agricultural spray drones, highlighting the potential impact on U.S. farming practices.

Farmer’s Perspective on DJI Drones

Russell Hedrick, a first-generation farmer from Hickory, North Carolina, has been using DJI ag spray drones for four years. He argues that the proposed Countering CCP Drones Act could negatively affect U.S. agricultural production.

“If we had American-made drones using American-made parts with American-made software that were as affordable and as good as DJI, we wouldn’t have an issue. But right now, they don’t exist,” Hedrick stated.

The Legislative Battle

The bill, which passed in the House of Representatives, aims to add DJI Technologies to the ‘covered list,’ potentially blocking FCC licenses for future drone models. This has sparked concern among farmers who rely on these drones for crop management.

Hedrick revealed, “This only came to most people’s attention when it passed in the [US] House [of Representatives], but I can tell you farmers in my state [North Carolina] have been blowing up the phone lines of Senator Budd and Senator Tillis about this.”

Advantages of Drone Technology

Hedrick emphasized the superiority of DJI’s technology for crop production. He uses multiple DJI drone models, including the T40, T50, and Mavic 3 E, for various tasks such as spraying and NDVI analysis.

“I think what a lot of people don’t realize is that there’s a limit on what ground sprayers can do after a crop reaches a certain maturity that these drones can then handle, which really increases our crop production,” Hedrick explained.

Security Concerns and Industry Response

Addressing security concerns, Hedrick argued that the information potentially gathered by drones is already publicly available through USDA resources. He also pointed out that there has never been a confirmed case of a DJI drone being hijacked mid-flight.

DJI Technologies responded to the proposed legislation, stating:

“The actions taken against DJI suggest protectionism and undermine the principles of fair competition and an open market. The Countering CCP Drones Act risks setting a dangerous precedent, where unfounded allegations and xenophobic sentiments dictate public policy, potentially jeopardizing the economic well-being of the US.”

DroneXL’s Take

The ongoing debate surrounding Chinese-made agricultural drones highlights the complex interplay between national security concerns and the practical needs of American farmers. While lawmakers push for stricter regulations on foreign-made drones, it’s crucial to consider the potential impact on agricultural productivity and innovation.

Existing Chinese-made DJI drones will likely not be affected if the DJI Ban becomes law, but the FCC does have the authority to revoke prior FCC authorizations for products that are on the covered list.


The lack of comparable American-made alternatives presents a significant challenge. As the Drone Industry continues to evolve, it will be essential to find a balance that addresses security concerns while ensuring farmers have access to the most effective tools for crop management. This situation underscores the need for increased investment in domestic Drone Technology to provide farmers with viable alternatives in the future.

Photo courtesy of Russell Hedrick.

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