The One Drone Setting Every DJI Pilot Should Customize

Estimated read time 3 min read

Billy Kyle explains in another video that there’s a crucial setting that DJI drone pilots often overlook but should absolutely customize: the gain and EXP settings. These settings control how your drone responds to stick input on your controller, potentially making a significant difference in flight smoothness and overall control.

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The Importance of Gain and EXP Settings

Kyle emphasizes the impact of these settings on achieving smooth drone movements:

“Any small bump or erratic movement can completely kill a shot for me, making it unusable. That’s why when I see these shots online that have these really abrupt movements, it hurts me inside.”

These settings, available in DJI’s Fly companion app, allow pilots to fine-tune their drone’s behavior across various flight modes.

Accessing and Customizing the Settings

To access these settings:

  1. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the DJI Fly App
  2. Select the “Control” section
  3. Scroll down to the “Gain and Expo Settings” section

Here, pilots can adjust:

  • Maximum horizontal speed
  • Ascent and descent speeds
  • Maximum angular velocity
  • Yaw smoothness
  • Braking sensitivity
  • Expo settings for various controls
  • Gimbal pitch speed and smoothness

Kyle’s Recommended Settings

While emphasizing that optimal settings may vary by pilot and situation, Kyle shares his preferred configuration:

  • Max horizontal speed: 33.6 mph (maximum available)
  • Ascent and descent speeds: Set to maximum
  • Max angular velocity: 50° per second
  • Yaw smoothness: 20
  • Brake sensitivity: 100
  • Expo settings: Varies by axis, generally around 0.25
  • Gimbal max tilt speed: 10° per second
  • Gimbal tilt smoothness: 20

The Impact of Customization

Kyle demonstrates how these adjustments affect drone behavior:

“If we go and if we bump this all the way up to 150, it’s now going to give us a shorter breaking distance. So if I go and if I start flying and we look at the speed down below, if I go and if I stop, it is going to halt to an immediate stop.”

He emphasizes finding a balance between smoothness and responsiveness, particularly for cinematic shots.

DroneXL’s Take

Customizing gain and EXP settings is a game-changer for DJI pilots looking to elevate their flight control and footage quality. While the default settings are a good starting point, taking the time to fine-tune these parameters can result in smoother, more professional-looking shots. As Drone Technology continues to advance, we expect to see even more customization options in future models, allowing pilots to tailor their flight experience with unprecedented precision.

For those new to drone piloting or looking to improve their skills, experimenting with these settings in a safe, open area is highly recommended. It’s a perfect opportunity to find the sweet spot between responsiveness and smooth, cinematic movements that can truly set your aerial footage apart.

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