Bayraktar KALKAN Drone Unveiled at Ephesus Military Exercise

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Turkey is making waves in the aviation industry with the debut of the Bayraktar KALKAN drone, a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) UAV, showcased at the Ephesus Military Exercise. This event underscores Turkey’s progress in developing advanced Drone Technology, marking a significant step in the country’s aviation advancements.

A New Chapter in Turkish Aviation

The Bayraktar KALKAN, developed by Baykar Technology, was revealed to the public during the Ephesus Military Exercise. This biennial exercise is a major event for the Turkish Armed Forces, involving military units from various allied Countries. Held in the Middle Aegean, İzmir Gulf, and Doğanbey drill fields, the exercise showcases Turkey’s military capabilities and technological advancements.

Bayraktar Kalkan Drone Unveiled At Ephesus Military Exercise In Turkey

Features of the Bayraktar KALKAN

The Bayraktar KALKAN is a tactical VTOL UAV designed for reconnaissance and intelligence missions. Here are some of its standout features:

Autonomous Operations

The KALKAN can autonomously take off, land, and cruise, reducing the need for constant human control. It features a fully automatic flight control system with triple-redundant autopilot, ensuring reliable performance.

Advanced Flight Capabilities

Equipped with a flight control system capable of automatic route tracking, target tracking, and return home modes, the KALKAN can handle complex missions efficiently. Its Baykar BG-160 Electro-Optical System allows for day and night operations with thermal imaging capability.

Impressive Specifications

The KALKAN has a wingspan of 16.4 feet, a length of 4.9 feet, and can carry up to 11 pounds. It can reach altitudes of over 14,500 feet and has a flight endurance of more than seven hours. The drone uses electric motors for vertical take-off and landing, and a gasoline engine for cruise flight.

The Golden Age of Turkish Aviation

Selçuk Bayraktar, Baykar’s Deputy General Manager in Charge of Technology, shared footage of the KALKAN’s test flight on Twitter, calling it the “Golden Age of Turkish Aviation.” The drone achieved a total flight time of over 70 hours and reached an altitude of 14,500 feet during its test at the Baykar Flight Training and Test Center in Keşan, Edirne.

Turkey’s Growing Drone Industry

Turkey’s UAV industry has seen rapid growth over the past decade, led by companies like Baykar, TAI, and Vestel. Baykar’s Bayraktar TB2 and Bayraktar Akıncı drones have set records and been used operationally by the Turkish military. The government has supported this growth to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers and establish Turkey as a drone exporter.

The Future of Bayraktar KALKAN

The Bayraktar KALKAN is expected to enter mass production by the end of 2024. Given Baykar’s success with the TB2, exported to 33 countries, and the Akıncı, exported to eight countries, the KALKAN is poised to achieve similar success.

The debut of the Bayraktar KALKAN at the Ephesus Military Exercise highlights Turkey’s advancements in drone technology. This new UAV enhances the operational capabilities of the Turkish Armed Forces and signifies a new era in Turkish aviation. As Turkey continues to innovate, it strengthens its position as a key player in the global drone market.

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