Russian Drone Unit Offers Elites a Safe Path to Serve

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A special Russian military unit known as “Bars Kaskad” is recruiting the country’s elite to participate in drone operations far from the dangerous front lines in Ukraine, according to a recent announcement by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD). This unit allows Russian VIPs to engage in military service while effectively avoiding the typical risks associated with frontline duty.

Safe Haven for Russia’s Upper Crust

“Bars Kaskad,” established by the Russian State Duma, reportedly contains an unusually high number of members from the pro-Putin United Russia Party and sons of Kremlin elites—up to ten in total. The MoD suggests that the unit’s primary role in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations offers these elites a way to fulfill military obligations without the usual dangers, providing them with “guaranteed safety.”

A Strategic Publicity Move

Some analysts interpret the creation of “Bars Kaskad” as a strategic move by Russian officials to capitalize on publicity opportunities. Ruslan Leviev, a military analyst with the Conflict Intelligence Team, highlighted this perspective, noting, “Kaskad is specially created for all kinds of famous people and officials who are looking to publicly demonstrate that they have gone to war and stood up for their country. You sit somewhere in the rear, drink tea, come back with a medal and titles, and go on to build your political career as a participant in the war.”

Case Study: A Non-Traditional Recruitment

In a notable instance from April, it was revealed that the husband of Russian influencer Yelena Blinovskaya joined “Bars Kaskad” to prevent her from facing prison on tax evasion charges. Alexei Blinovsky, pictured serving with the unit on April 16, represents a new kind of recruit using military service to resolve Legal issues at home. This contrasts with the thousands of Russian convicts who join forces in hopes of atoning for their crimes and securing freedom.

“Bars Kaskad” as a Political Tool

“Bars Kaskad” appears to be more than just a military unit; it is a political instrument allowing Russia’s elite to showcase their patriotism without facing the battlefield’s perils. This initiative not only ensures their safety but also enhances their public image, making military service a risk-free endeavor for those with the right connections.

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