Iran’s Drone Surveillance: Tightening Hijab Enforcement

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In Iran, the enforcement of mandatory hijab rules has taken a high-tech, yet invasive turn with the introduction of drones. These drones are equipped with cameras to monitor and ensure compliance with the dress code for women. This article delves into the deployment of this technology as part of Iran’s “Noor Plan,” aimed at intensifying restrictions on women’s clothing.

The Rise of Surveillance Tactics

At the heart of the recent measures is the 35th Tehran International Book Fair, where the implementation of these drone tactics was glaringly evident. Eyewitnesses reported seeing quadcopters hovering over crowds, photographing women who were not wearing hijabs and transmitting their locations to enforcement units on the ground. These so-called “hijab enforcers” would then approach the women directly, often barring them from entering the fair.

Enforcement Escalates

Since April 13, the enforcement of hijab rules has noticeably intensified. Police and special units have been reported making violent arrests and targeting women who do not comply with the mandatory hijab. The repercussions for defiance are severe, with numerous women across Iran facing arrest and harassment for perceived violations of the dress code.

Societal Reaction and Resistance

The aggressive enforcement tactics have sparked widespread backlash. Iranians are voicing their dissent and documenting incidents on social media under the hashtag “war against women.” This spontaneous campaign has become a digital record of the harsh measures facing women who resist the mandatory hijab.

Impact on Students and Activists

The crackdown is not limited to public spaces but extends into educational and political spheres. Female students in various universities have faced targeted repressive tactics. Civil activists, political dissenters, women political prisoners, and cultural figures are also experiencing increased pressure under the “Noor Plan.”

The use of Drone Technology in Iran to enforce hijab rules marks a significant escalation in the government’s control over personal freedoms. By integrating advanced surveillance tools with ground enforcement, the Iranian authorities are tightening their grip on women’s rights, provoking significant resistance and highlighting the ongoing struggle for personal freedoms in Iran.

Photo courtesy of IranWire.

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