Coral Gables Employs Advanced Drone Technology for Public Safety

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The Emergence of Drones in Coral Gables Policing

In an innovative move, Coral Gables has embraced Drone Technology to enhance public safety. The city in Florida recently signed a contract with Bond, a third-party drone operator, to provide aerial support for its Police department. This initiative, active until May 2024, involves a $240,000 investment to lease four sophisticated drones, that will be operated by Bond’s pilots, not by the local police.

Technical Capabilities and Strategic Use

These drones are not your average models. Equipped with cutting-edge features like infrared and visible light cameras, a loudspeaker, Spotlight, and a six-propeller system ensuring flight stability, these drones are designed for efficiency. Notably, they come with a parachute and an urban-optimized telecommunications system, capable of connecting to LTE via various cell carriers.

Martha Pantin, a city spokeswoman, reportedly highlighted that Bond would serve as an “on-call provider to assist the department as situations arise,” ensuring real-time streaming of crucial footage directly to the police. The drones’ capabilities were tested during a trial period in the summer of 2022.

Security Concerns and the Shift from Chinese-Made Drones

Previously, other city departments used drones made in China. However, these DJI drones are no longer in use due to unfounded national security concerns. In fact, Governor Ron DeSantis banned Chinese-manufactured drones for government agencies in Florida this April, responding to fears over potential security risks. This shift led to the selection of the Easy Aerial Osprey aircraft, described as developed with the US Air Force’s support and proudly built in the USA.

Funding and Future Prospects

The funding for this technologically advanced program comes from Federal Asset Forfeiture funds. As Coral Gables steps into the future of public safety, the use of drones in locating missing persons, identifying crime suspects, and assessing accident scenes and fires before First Responders arrive marks a significant leap in law enforcement techniques.

This drone program not only promises enhanced safety for the community but also sets a precedent in the innovative use of technology in policing. For more on this story, visit the Miami Herald.

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